「我們在 Tufin 投資所獲取的投資報酬已相當亮眼。過去如此,而且現在依舊會受到產能提升、減少人為出錯造成重做及跨團隊自動化協調的驅動而提高」
Big 4 專業服務公司防火牆管理團隊主管
Tufin 藉由提供靈活的工作流程與自動化, 讓您的團隊運用現有資源完成更多工作,並可大幅減少您在網路變更及規則生命周期管理上所耗費的時間。
Tufin 與領導 ITSM 解決方案整合,讓您的 ITSM 票證觸發 Tufin 中的工作流程。
Use SecureChange+ or integrate with your ITSM to submit the requests with your ITSM
Automatically identifies firewall targets and security groups based on real-time, full path analysis of your network
Automatically performs risk assessment against the policy, vulnerability data and other third-party security intelligence to avert policy change violations and prevent access to risky assets
SecureChange+ automatically suggests the most efficient set of changes necessary across network devices and security groups to process a request ticket
The Verifier automatically tests to confirm that your change was implementated
All changes made are documented and reportable
Tufin 藉助自動重新認證流程協調擁有者之間的規則檢閱。同時識別正在過期或已過期的規則並將其對應至擁有者,進而排除多數一般所需的手動步驟。
SecureChange+ 拓撲智慧及動態對應支援讓 Tufin 脫穎而出的多項功能。
SecureChange 可持續遵守內部原則及產業規範,例如 PCI-DSS、NERC-CIP 和 HIPAA。
主動風險評估屬於網路變更設計流程的一部分。這會根據您的安全性/合規性原則調查提議的變更,並可自訂以交互參照第三方解決方案的智慧,例如漏洞管理工具、SIEM、SOAR 和端點威脅檢測工具。
Only Tufin provides agentless, multi-cloud policy management. Take full advantage of cloud-native infrastructure, maintain enterprise-wide visibility and control, and optimize segmentation across on-prem and cloud.
Integrate security guardrails into the CI/CD process.
Tufin easily integrates into your CI/CD process to serve as the security gatekeeper for your DevOps team, so they don’t need to change how they work. Tufin will alert on access changes that violate segmentation policies and proactively block the changes pre-deployment. This simple step can vastly reduce risk for your organization while trimming workload.
如同 SecureTrack+,SecureChange+ 提供即時合規性監控及各種符合監管標準(例如 PCI-DSS、NERC-CIP、HIPAA、GDPR 等)的可自訂稽核報告。不過,SecureChange+ 藉由為網路變更提供全面的稽核記錄,包括完整變更責任與稽核就緒報告,來落實更進階的稽核整備狀態。所有相關票證與每項變更皆記錄在案並可回報。
Only Tufin provides automation and a unified security policy, from on-prem to cloud, across NetSec and DevOps.