Managing and monitoring your network is no small task. And you are well aware it only gets tougher as that network continues to grow and becomes more complex. But you don’t have to tackle it alone. We’ve seen the struggle network operations and security teams face, and it’s why we created our brand new white paper, “How to Mature Your Hybrid-Cloud Network Security Capabilities.”
Let’s be clear, we won’t force you to read it, and the last thing a busy security professional needs is “homework,” so we’ve put this resource together with your needs – and time – in mind. In this blog, we’ll introduce you to the key concepts – and takeaways – provided in this resource, along with why giving it a download is worth your time (and, yes, maybe your email address).
A Moment About The “Why”
To open, this white paper recaps security teams’ needs pertaining to when their organizations add more applications that support business objectives (e.g., securing connectivity and maintaining availability). It also emphasizes the need for streamlined security policy management, along with the drawbacks of not having a strategy together (e.g., delays, increased costs, slower time-to-market).
This white paper also empathizes with network operations and security teams, helping to better articulate the issues many face today, given the pressure(s) of the items mentioned above.
How to Make Good Choices
An informed decision is the best decision, and this white paper’s mission is to help do just that. It’ll cover how you can evaluate the current state of your network security policy management processes and use that information to determine needs and potential options. That said, we know not every company is the same, particularly when it comes to size, and this white paper has these varying perspectives in mind so that everyone can take a proper view of their organization’s situation comfortably and confidently.
Further, this resource also looks at what exactly decision-makers can identify with a network security policy management maturity model in place (e.g., current network security capability, current risks to network security posture, and challenges to overcome).
Once through reading this, you should be equipped with the knowledge to self-score how mature your network security program might be.
What is a Network Security Policy Management Maturity Model
Before getting too complicated, this white paper helps level-set what this entire endeavor is (spoiler: it’s an ongoing process and a program that requires continuous care and feeding), and what a maturity model enables network operations and security teams to do.
It will also work through the maturity levels themselves, from “Novice” to “Expert,” and how you can determine in which state your organization currently sits. It also includes checklists for each level, in order to make that appropriate determination. And for each particular level, three important steps you – and your team(s) – can take to mature to the next evolutionary step.
Making the Business Case
We realize network security professionals have a lot of responsibilities, and navigating corporate procedures and operations can bog things down. This white paper will help teams use the above insights on their maturity level to make data-driven assessments on effectiveness of current tooling, and identify the next steps of the journey. Evaluating solutions is tough, and achieving a balance of easing current pain points with enabling the maturity journey into the future is really important.
The key areas of focus for this particular area – with complete detail, covered in this white paper – include: Business Agility, Security, Compliance and Operational Efficiency.
Finding a Scalable Solution That Makes Sense For YOU
This resource closes with some appropriate actions to take to begin seeking out the right suite of solutions for security policy management growth and evolution. And, of course, suggestions for which specific tools are worth the time and attention, along with why they make the most sense for helping mature your network security.
Ready to take the next big step for your organization, and its network security capabilities? Join our April webinar here.
You can also head on over and give this white paper a read, won’t you?
And if you need a close walkthrough, or are ready to start the “adult” conversation on network security policy management maturity, we’re here to chat.
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