Enterprise IT and networking as we’ve known them for the past 20 years are being challenged by a new approach that promises to lower operational costs, increase agility and productivity, and improve security. Software-defined networking (SDN) achieves these improvements through an automated, policy-driven, and application-centric data center, and Cisco is leading the way with its Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) platform.
Traditional networking and security policy management have become inefficient and ineffective to the point that they are impacting business agility. Traditional security policies and change processes don’t fit the dynamic nature of modern business anymore.
Cisco ACI addresses these challenges with a policy-based network automation solution that accelerates application delivery to reduce operating costs and increase business agility. ACI application profiles are automatically deployed onto the networking fabric, physical and virtual, negating the need for manual configuration across physical devices.
At the same time, Tufin has introduced Application-Centric Policy Management, which allows application owners to define their applications’ connectivity requirements in a way that is decoupled from the infrastructure. The required application flows are automatically deployed across the relevant policy enforcement points (firewalls, security groups, SDN controllers) with security and compliance checks embedded into the change process.
When I first heard of ACI a couple of years ago, it was music to my ears because it aligned so well with our vision at Tufin.
The integration of Cisco ACI and the Tufin Orchestration Suite extends visibility and automation across the enterprise, and provides a single console for enforcing compliance with industry regulations and internal security policies (See the joint solution brief for more details).
The market is clearly shifting towards an application-centric architecture, and together with market leaders such as Cisco, we’ll ensure this transition maximizes agility with inherent security and compliance.
For more information, read the press release announcing our integration with Cisco ACI.
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