
I had the privilege today to represent Tufin at Cisco’s launch of the new Cisco Tetration Analytics product at One World Trade Center in New York City.  I was a part of a panel of Cisco partners that included representatives from ServiceNow, Infoblox and the recent Cisco acquisition, CliQr.  We followed the main press event where Chuck Robbins, Cisco’s CEO, introduced the new product, and a customer panel.  Overall, there was a lot of excitement generated about this new product and it was great that Tufin could be included among the group of customers and partners.

So what is Cisco Tetration Analytics and how does it relate to Tufin?

According to Cisco’s own release materials, Cisco Tetration Analytics combines unsupervised machine learning, behavior analysis and intelligent algorithms to bring new levels of network and security analytics to the data center, using both software and hardware sensors.  Basically, Tetration collects network flows and uses them to generate application connectivity patterns.  It provides application insight that can be used for migrating applications, simulating the effects of proposed changes, monitoring to ensure policy compliance and searching flows for forensic needs.

These capabilities are a nice complement to the capabilities of Tufin Orchestration Suite, particularly the features of SecureApp.  With Tetration and Tufin, our customers will have the ability to discover, monitor, modify, and validate application connectivity across a multi-vendor infrastructure, in the data center and the cloud, all in compliance with their security policy.  Using the advanced behavioral analytics of Tetration, users of Tufin Orchestration Suite will gain greater insight into application and endpoint connectivity enabling them to discover applications in use.  Our customers can also ensure that applications are in compliance with security policy while maintaining service uptime and business continuity to keep pace with today’s rapidly changing business needs.

By combining Tetration Analytics with Tufin Orchestration Suite, we can offer our customers greater business agility without sacrificing security when implementing new applications or modifying existing ones.

For more information, feel free to check out our Cisco partner page.  And make sure to stop by our booth at next month’s Cisco Live! Event.

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