
Last week we announced Tufin’s vision for the future of our market, Security Policy Orchestration. We also launched the latest version of our now, rebranded solution, the Tufin Orchestration Suite™, which includes key functionality for delivering true Policy Orchestration. What exactly is Security Policy Orchestration, and how does it differ from Security Policy Management?  Security Policy Orchestration has a bigger IT footprint, and reflects the shifts occurring in enterprise IT due to important developments such as increased virtualization, adoption of Cloud environments and IPv6.  Each of these trends is disruptive in and of themselves.  While they deliver great benefits, they also introduce complexity, bring unforeseen risks that need to be addressed, and introduce process shifts that require people to learn new technologies and adjust to new ways of doing things.

These recent changes require our customers to adapt to new and unfamiliar complexity, stakeholders, technology requirements and processes. Application teams that face frequent network configuration errors and (on average) between 1-2 week duration for change implementation are growing impatient with their IT organizations, especially when the alternative of moving their applications to the Cloud is becoming more readily available.

If network and security IT managers don’t adapt new processes and tools to dramatically improve the service and accuracy they deliver to application teams, they’ll be left behind, as applications will migrate to the Cloud (often beyond the control of IT). This will of course have severe security implications, but security is sometimes discarded when it affects the business too much.

As our customers adapt to improve their network change service, we are adapting with them.  Our vision is simple: to enable organizations to implement network security changes much faster and more accurately, though automation and analytics. The Tufin Orchestration Suite is built to help our customers achieve this goal, by orchestrating the network change process across various systems, teams and infrastructure.

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