
The importance of conducting a thorough network audit cannot be overstated. A thorough review of an organization’s network, its functionality, and security measures are the key elements of a network audit. The audit serves as an invaluable tool in identifying vulnerabilities, potential security risks, and areas for improvement in your network security policy.

What is Included in a Network Audit?

A network audit checklist typically includes the assessment of various components of a network. This includes examining firewall rules for any vulnerabilities and ensuring they are functioning optimally to protect you against cyber threats and unauthorized access. The audit also checks for the presence of malware in your operating systems and reviews the security of your access points.

Another essential part of the audit are wireless networks, which need to be rigorously checked for any security weaknesses as they are often a target for hackers. The audit will also assess the security of routers and other network devices, keeping an eye out for upgrades that need to be made or security patches that need to be applied.

How Do You Conduct a Network Audit?

Conducting a network audit starts with a comprehensive network audit checklist. This checklist will guide your security teams through the steps necessary for a robust audit, from reviewing your network infrastructure to penetration testing for vulnerabilities.

Checking for sensitive data, includes sensitive information stored on your network, as well as data transmitted through your network and is one of the most crucial steps in conducting an audit. Also worthwhile checking is your “bring your own device” (BYOD) policy, if you have one, and make sure all mobile devices and user accounts are secure.

The network audit checklist should also include a review of permissions and Internet access points to prevent unauthorized access. Implementing two-factor authentication can also enhance your security measures.

The Five Audit Checklist Components

When it comes to network audits, there are five key components to include in your checklist.

  1. Functionality: Ensure your network is operating at optimal functionality, including bandwidth and network segment performance.

  2. Security Measures: Review your network security policy, and implement necessary security protocols.

  3. Vulnerabilities: Identify any vulnerabilities in your system, from potential cyberattacks to phishing threats.

  4. Upgrade and Patch Management: Regularly update and patch your systems and devices to minimize security risks.

  5. Audit Report: Compile an audit report that summarizes your findings and suggests improvements.

By following this in-depth checklist, you can enhance your network security and protect against potential security breaches.

Network Security Audit Readiness

Preparing for a network security audit can feel overwhelming, but with the right tools and a comprehensive network audit checklist, it becomes manageable. Tufin offers network security audit readiness solutions to assist in this process, ensuring you are well-prepared for any audit.


Network audits are vital in maintaining a secure and efficient network. By following a detailed network audit checklist, potential vulnerabilities can be identified as well as securing your network, and ensuring the optimal performance of your network infrastructure.

How to Perform a Firewall Audit is a related blog article that provides deeper insights into this topic.


Q: What is a Network Security Audit Checklist?

A: A network security audit checklist is used by IT security teams to review their networks security measures. It includes reviewing firewalls, wireless networks, access points, and more. For more information, refer to our article on firewall auditing.

Q: How Often Should You Conduct a Network Audit?

A: The frequency of network audits depends on the size and complexity of your network, as well as any regulatory requirements your organization may be subject to. However, it is generally recommended to conduct a network audit at least once a year. Discover more about this in our article on audit readiness.

Q: What Is The Importance Of A Network Audit?

A: Network audits are crucial to maintaining the security and functionality of your network, identifying vulnerabilities, and ensuring compliance with regulations. For more insights, please read our blog about network cyber security regulatory compliance.

Wrapping Up

Ready to dive deeper? Request a demo to explore how Tufin can support your organization’s network audit needs.

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