
Recently, TechForum’s “Trends in Enterprise Security” invitation-only event in New York City enabled me to present to hundreds of network and IT security professionals from a wide range of industries.  This technical forum also provided my colleagues and me with the opportunity to speak in-depth with these experts about their challenges.

Several themes struck me:

  1. Organizations now more than ever need a single dashboard to provide visibility around network security and policy. This visibility must not only address their traditional physical data centers but it has to extend and support their public and private cloud initiatives.  Ensuring security and compliance in a unified way that accounts for the fully heterogeneous network is not a nice to have, it’s a must-have.
  2. The cloud is here, and so are the gaps in visibility and control. Recently, ESG conducted research across 150 companies specifically asking about their cloud initiatives.  I was not surprised to see that nearly 70% of organizations ALREADY have a private cloud deployed in their production environments.  Most surprising is that the equivalent percentage – 70% – are still learning how to apply security and policy on cloud infrastructure.  So, it’s in production, but it’s a huge challenge to apply consistent security policy to secure it and reduce the organization’s risk.  That is a BIG problem.
  3. The advances we have made at Tufin to help bridge the gap around cloud deployment visibility resonates and is gaining traction with network and IT security experts. I discussed how when using Tufin, you can not only find the VMs and apps running in the public cloud, but we can also show you the application connectivity and security groups.  The NetOps and SecOps teams can finally determine “what is out there”, bring it under control via a central dashboard, ensure security policies are enforced and track/monitor changes.  The attendees perked up and I received several smiles when I shared this – a happy moment indeed.  The ability to finally discover, track, secure and monitor what lives in the cloud and visualize it as part of the holistic view of their entire enterprise network has arrived.

Innovation and technological advances continue to improve — changing network infrastructures and application deployment as we know it.  Great examples being SDN, network virtualization and – IT agility at its best – the public cloud.  It’s imperative that while enjoying the advances and benefits of innovation, we continue to vigilantly secure our key assets.  This requires equivalent innovation from security vendors, and collaboration with the market makers in the network transformation we are witnessing.  Here at Tufin, we are up for the challenge.

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