
As an avid car enthusiast, I can appreciate the need for speed.  Combine that with being somewhat of a geek, this explains why I am so excited about our new T-series appliances, which we officially introduced last Monday.

Aside from being both sleek and rugged, our upgraded appliances demonstrate that Security Policy Management is growing in need and priority as a key enterprise security management platform. They offer power, scalability, and high availability – all essential for today’s mission-critical solutions.

As we have always been ahead of the market, we are committed to offering the best, optimized appliances out there.   While I fear I will mangle any car analogies, these appliances are the equivalent of a fully loaded, supercharged Ford Mustang delivering the processing power required to do network security process automation, change provisioning, application connectivity management, and a term you will be hearing us use increasingly often: orchestration.

The new T-Series is a major upgrade, delivering 50% more processing power, up to four times more memory, more network interfaces, and improved enterprise management capabilities.


Tufin T-1100XL, T-510, T-1100


Our over 1200 customers are already familiar with the value SecureTrack provides in its ability to help them cleanup security policies and manage firewalls from multiple vendors.   Over the past few years we have expanded on our firewall operations, compliance and auditing roots, and have developed a robust feature set on top of SecureTrack that significantly extends the value proposition of the Tufin Security Suite (TSS).

As our automation is deployed deeper and wider in production environments, it will be done using state-of-the-art hardware running state-of-the-art software.  These bad boys are built for speed and are fully optimized to run TSS at maximum capacity.

For more on the appliances, check out the press release.

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