
Offering users a diverse portfolio of apps, including integrations with Palo Alto Networks Cortex, Cisco Tetration, IBM Resilient, Infoblox and others

BOSTON – July 15, 2020 – Tufin® (NYSE: TUFN), a company pioneering a policy-centric approach to security and IT operations, today announced the launch of the Tufin Marketplace, a digital platform where customers can find and deploy apps and extensions that enhance the overall value of their security policy management implementations.

Powered by the community of Tufin cybersecurity partners, the Marketplace provides apps that maximize return-on-investment by integrating security policy data with other security technologies and practices. From effectively prioritizing vulnerability remediation efforts to automatically investigating and blocking suspicious network activity, the Tufin Marketplace offers apps that help users enhance protection, enable faster detection, and deliver intelligent responses across a wide range of security and IT domains.

“The Tufin Marketplace offers a rich variety of smart, innovative tools that allow users to broaden their experience with Tufin Orchestration Suite,” said Pamela Cyr, Senior Vice President of Business and Corporate Development, Tufin. “In collaboration with several Technology Alliance Partners, from the design phase through testing and certification, we’re excited to offer new features and functionalities that integrate into customers’ existing technologies and processes, enabling them to address their most pressing network security needs with unified solutions.”

The Marketplace offers apps in these categories:

Security Operations and Incident Response (SOAR)

Tufin integrates with leading security solutions to enrich third-party data with real-time network insights, supporting effective detection and resolution of security issues via a risk-based approach. These apps effectively equip organizations with information they need to quickly detect highly exposed assets, prioritize patching efforts, understand the impact to the business, and automate responses to security threats across the hybrid IT environment.

The Tufin Marketplace features apps providing integrations with Palo Alto Networks Cortex, IBM Resilient, Splunk Phantom, Swimlane and DFLabs.

“We’re proud to be included in the Tufin Marketplace to help organizations handle their operational security challenges with automated response orchestration for addressing critical attacks faster," said Rishi Bhargava, Vice President of Product Strategy, Cortex XSOAR, Palo Alto Networks. “Attack investigations usually require pivoting from one suspicious indicator to another, gathering evidence, drawing relationships between incidents, and finalizing resolution. Leveraging Tufin’s network security intelligence enriches Cortex XSOAR playbooks with network topology information needed to quickly automate network access changes and mitigate threats.”

“The Tufin Marketplace meets real customer needs by showcasing vendors who deliver integrated, tested solutions, and provide critical network security context and automated response capabilities to proactively address network threats in real-time,” said Cody Cornell, CEO, Swimlane. “By delivering accurate, up-to-date network security policy information, security analysts can make fast and precise assessments directly from the Swimlane console, and execute automated playbooks based real-time network data.”

“Integrating with Tufin allows us to broaden our commitment to customers by enhancing incident response processes with network security intelligence to accelerate time to resolution,” said Michele Zambelli, CTO, DFLabs. “DFLabs IncMan uses data from the Tufin Orchestration Suite to provide network context when gathering actionable data across a wide range of security platforms when a security incident occurs. The result is a more optimized incident response process.”

Network Segmentation

The Tufin Marketplace features IPAM integration apps from Infoblox and EfficientIP, to deliver ongoing, dynamic updates of IP/DNS zones for rapid provisioning and updating of network segmentation policies.

“As a contributor to the Tufin Marketplace, Infoblox enables Tufin customers to simplify network complexities that have evolved as hybrid, multi-cloud environments have extended the enterprise into a borderless entity,” said Dave Barry, Senior Director of Business Development, Infoblox. “Tufin customers using Infoblox DDI gain actionable insights from across their entire infrastructure to get the most out of their IT and security investments.”

“We are pleased to be part of the Tufin Marketplace and automatically share our real-time, accurate network information, helping organizations keep their security policies current and compliant with regulations and industry standards,” said Ronan David, Vice President of Business Development, EfficientIP. “The Tufin-EfficientIP alliance ensures security policies are always accurate and up-to-date, throughout the entire infrastructure – including private, public, and hybrid cloud platforms. Network admins can deploy and automatically make changes to applications and IP configurations without putting security at risk.”

Additional Tufin Marketplace Capabilities:

  • Change Automation

Tufin integrates with leading ITSM solutions to simplify network change implementations and streamline workflow automation. The Tufin Marketplace includes a ServiceNow app which enables workflow integration between SecureChange and the customer’s ServiceNow implementation. Another tool in the marketplace is the Workflow Integrator, which allows customers and partners to build code-free integrations between SecureChange and any REST-API based software solution.

  • Reporting Extensions

Reporting enhancements for Tufin SecureTrack provide policy analytics to meet industry regulatory compliance requirements and audit preparation needs. 

  • Application Discovery 

The Cisco Tetration app automates application discovery and real-time visibility into dependency mapping and connectivity monitoring in SecureApp, to achieve application connectivity compliance, and identify and restore outages.

The Tufin Marketplace is now open. For more information, please visit: https://marketplace.tufin.com/